Jakub Głazik

Curriculum Vitae


Programming Tools Servers/Platforms Other
▣▣▣▣ Java ▣▣▣▣ Git ▣▣▣▢ Apache/Httpd ▣▣▣▣ Jira
▣▣▣▢ Groovy ▣▣▣▢ Bamboo ▣▣▣▢ Tomcat ▣▣▣▢ Confluence
▣▣▢▢ Bash ▣▣▣▢ Bitbucket ▣▣▢▢ GCP ▣▣▣▢ PKI
▣▣▢▢ Python ▣▣▣▢ Ansible ▣▣▢▢ Kubernetes ▣▣▣▢ Linux
▣▣▢▢ Go ▣▣▣▢ Jenkins ▣▣▢▢ Docker ▣▣▢▢ Crowd
▣▣▢▢ Frontend ▣▣▣▢ Wazuh (ELK) ▣▢▢▢ JBoss ▣▢▢▢ Windows
▣▢▢▢ SQL ▣▣▢▢ Nexus ▣▢▢▢ AWS  
  ▣▣▢▢ Gitlab    
  ▣▢▢▢ Terraform    
  ▣▢▢▢ Zabbix    

Legend: ▣▢▢▢ basic, ▣▣▢▢ regular, ▣▣▣▢ advanced, ▣▣▣▣ expert


Project experience

Atlassian Administrator/Developer

Sygnity, IT department, 2018-now


Jira, Bitbucket, Bamboo, Confluence, Crowd, Groovy, Linux, Bash, Windows Server, Apache Httpd, Tomcat, Python, JavaScript, Go, Python, Ansible


Atlassian on-premise stack administration. Working closely with many production teams and PMs/scrum masters across the company to help fit-in and streamline software production and/or Customer support. Mapping back-office processes to Jira philosophy, e.g. CMDB, competencies database, overtime system.

Extending Jira and Confluence capabilities with Groovy-based ScriptRunner plugin: programming workflows, automation tasks, custom REST endpoints and UI additions. Creating and managing Gradle tools and pipelines to speed up scripts testing and deployment.

Evaluation of third-party plugins for production teams and management. Implementing custom plugins in Atlassian SDK and Java for specific requirements (mostly Jira reports).

Conducting Git training for teams new to Bitbucket. Support for teams implementing pipelines on Bamboo server. Managing Bamboo build agent fleet on Kubernetes and standalone VMs with Ansible automation (Kubespray). Consulting good practices of software engineering, including DevOps culture (faster is better).

Implementing Python/Go/Bash CLI tools to speed up administering tasks, e.g. bulk user management in Crowd, project migration between Jira instances, usage reports.

System Administrator

Sygnity, IT department, 2018-now


Linux, Bash, Ansible, Wazuh, Zabbix, Git, Nexus, Apache Httpd, GCP, AWS


Server administration/maintenance for various back-office apps including the aforementioned Atlassian stack. On-call duty and help desk second-line support (Jira Service Management) for all Sygnity employees and its Customers.

Maintenance of multiple machines (mostly RedHat/CentOS/OEL), upgrades/migrations, VM-management (mostly VMWare vCenter).

Wide variety of SRE tasks for back-office apps. Co-administering Zabbix and Wazuh tools (including custom log decoders) to monitor servers/apps and post-mortem analysis of outages.

Cloud platforms organization administration - IAM and billing management, organizing project structure, consulting for teams adopting the cloud. Mostly for GCP but also AWS, Azure, OCI.

Suggesting and managing software engineering tools to provide “toolbox” for production teams (and prevent shadow IT), e.g. company-wide Nexus server, containerization of Bamboo build agents.

Implementing Ansible-based automations, e.g. prod-to-dev environment cloning, configuring rev-proxies, bulk HTTPS certificate updates, bulk installing agents for Zabbix, Wazuh, IBM License Metric Tool scanners.

Implementing Python/Go/Bash CLI tools to speed up administering tasks, e.g. synchronizing permissions between Nexus and Crowd, getting and processing emails with invoices, log rotating and archiving. Creating simple web pages for utility purposes and during-maintenance landing pages.j

Release Administrator

Sygnity, 2008-2019

Sidoma and JMaestro - stock market J2EE applications, multi-client (e.g., ING, Noble Securities, BNP Paribas, Michael/Strom)


Jenkins, SVN, Git, Ant, Maven, JBoss, Linux, Bash, JavaScript


Creating, developing and managing deployment pipelines, building releases, preparing install procedure documentation.

Source code manager/integrator - merging changes between SVN branches (trunk based development, client/release branches), resolving source code conflicts, working closely with the production team.

Developing continuous delivery from scratch - from local machine manual building to Jenkins pipeline which resulted in huge speed up of release delivery. Creating and managing automation scripts (mix of Ant, Maven and Bash), e.g. listing changes components to lower package size, auto-versioning, documentation generation depending on changelog.

Migrating large SVN repository to Git, training the team for new VCS, adjusting existing procedures and pipelines.

Java Developer

Projekty Bankowe Polsoft, 2005-2008

eDokumenty - workflow for e-documents, multi-client (e.g., ZKZL, Toruń City Hall, Policja Polska)


Java SE, PKI architecture


Developing Bouncy Castle based Java application for signing/verifying e-documents.

Implementing two way SSL/TLS login feature. Connecting to various hardware token providers (PKCS#11) and file-based (PKCS#12). Implementing PDF (PKCS#7) and XML (XML-DSig) support. Windows Server CA administration.

Working with server-side code and Java-applet embedded into web applications, including two way SSL/TLS (logging in with certificate on chip card).

Private and pet projects

DOI (Document Object Identifier) management app for cultural publishing house “Czas Kultury” (NGO my partner works in). Based on GCP, Cloud Run, and Jira Cloud implemented in Go (work in progress, on hold).

Raspberry Pi based home-lab with Kubernetes deployed with Kubespray (work in progress).

Advent of Code solving, often used to learn a new programming language (Go, Elixir). Source code on my Github.


